"Life is some thing that happens to us on the way to where we thought we were going."
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A proud moment
Tonight Er and I went to his high school All Sports Banquet. The Athletic Director who is also a close family friend and the head coach for Varsity Basketball told me over the weekend to make sure Erwin attends this event. He would be getting an award. I had no idea what though. So we all went and saw some friends. Nice time. Then at the almost end of the event, the principal was annoucning the Coach of the Year. And bam! It was Erwin. Coach Macalaguim! It was so cool cuz he had no clue! Erwin has coached (3) sports every year for as along as I can remember. This past year it was Girls Varsity and JV Volleyball, Boys JV Basketball and then Boys Varsity Volleyball. It was so nice to see him recognized for all the hard work he has done. Although, in my mind a plaque doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. But saying my husband is "Coach of the Year" is pretty neat!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Mommy and Me

Abby and I splurge every now and then with McDonald's for breakfast. She loves pancakes! Loves them! But today as we were sitting there getting ready to eat, I turned to her and said,"When you go to Kindergarten who's going to eat breakfast with me?" For the first time, Abby was speechless! We had a moment and took some pics being silly. I love this one the best! Lucky for me I have a breakfast buddy for another year and a half!
Happy 7th Birthday Ethan!

My bubba boy turned 7 today. WOW! I can't believe he is 7 yrs old. It is getting more fun celebrating his birthday. I asked what he wanted to bring to his class. He wanted to make cookies. (Galletas in spanish.) Tuesday night we got the pre-made cookie dough out and Ethan and I rolled the dough and decorated them with icing and sprinkles. He loved and it and we laughed! They were a hit with his friends! Funny things was they were so imperfect looking that they looked GREAT! For dinner the four of us went to Chili's and Ethan got his favorite Chocolate Milkshake! My favorite part of taking someone out to dinner for their birthday is when the servers sing! So of course we had them sing to Ethan and he was so excited and embarrassed! As we were eating his unbelievable cake, Ethan said, "I am so lucky to have this great family!" Amazing little boy! We had fun tonight and my baby is growing up!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It's Clean
The office is clean and I just have to finish the top of the desk. It looks so nice again for the 10th time. Hopefully I can keep it this way. My dad helped me get things to where they needed to be instead of piled in one place. I got lots of papers filed and shredded. It felt good. Now, I am attacking the laundry. I got some good ideas from a fabulous friend and will be implementing them starting Monday. I can't wait because I think it's something I can do. I can't imagine being caught up on anything...especially laundry and filing.
We bought MS Office 2007 today. Awesome deal...Er's Dad is in the Navy so we have access to the Navy Exchange which not only has no tax on purchases but usually has awesome deals on things. So, I was able to buy this program for $80 instead of $200 or more. So cool! Now I can get work done on my laptop. Real work. hahaha.
We bought MS Office 2007 today. Awesome deal...Er's Dad is in the Navy so we have access to the Navy Exchange which not only has no tax on purchases but usually has awesome deals on things. So, I was able to buy this program for $80 instead of $200 or more. So cool! Now I can get work done on my laptop. Real work. hahaha.
Monday, May 12, 2008
May Gray
Ok...it's freezing, ya it's 58 but c'mon...it's San Diego! For some reason this years May Gray is killing me! I'm cold...Mother's Day was yesterday and Er was gone in his BBall trip to Vegas as he is every year. He left Thursday and I worked Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. My biggest gift this weekend was Er's parents watching the kids from Friday afternoon till Saturday evening. After work on Friday I was able to veg and then wake up to a quiet house. It was very nice! I got an awesome T-Shirt from Ethan that his teacher helped them make. It had his picture in the middle with a letter written to me in Spanish. It was so cool! So Cool! I got my first handmade mother's day gift from Abby. She was so excited to give it to me. It was a cute card with a little sachet of potpourri.
My dad is coming tomorrow to help me get organized and cleaned up in the office. I think my biggest flaw which makes my house look dirtier than it really is, is the paper clutter. Just the things that are not put in the right files whether bills or the trash file. I hope my dad can give me some solutions that I can get down! Seriously...I cant get a hold of it. I'm feeling positive!
My dad is coming tomorrow to help me get organized and cleaned up in the office. I think my biggest flaw which makes my house look dirtier than it really is, is the paper clutter. Just the things that are not put in the right files whether bills or the trash file. I hope my dad can give me some solutions that I can get down! Seriously...I cant get a hold of it. I'm feeling positive!
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