Am I the only one who has the hardest time getting up in the morning? Let me rephrase that...Am I the only parent who has the hardest time getting up at 645am and then getting her two kids up in the morning and ready for school at 740am...all with enough time for a nutritious breakfast and time for them to actually wake-up? I can't stand the fact that I do get us all out the door and looking like we have been up for hours only to get to school with 2 minutes to spare when we see the line out of the office for late slips. We end up being 15 minutes late having to walk that walk of shame. You know the one where every other parent is walking off campus with no kids and you are stuck walking on campus with your kids, muffin in hand? (Muffin = FiberOne muffins made with milk not water) I feel so bad that I always end up telling the kids we will do something special after school since mommy is in capable of such a simple thing. Ice cream at Rite-Aide. Nothing huge but it's a band-aid nonetheless.
So I think it's time for an alarm clock in Ethan's room. 3rd grade...completely old enough to have to wake up and try to wake up his mom so they are not late. Cuz, my two alarms just don't do it. I am afraid Ethan is going to be just like his mom. I swear I cannot hear the alarm clock. I just can't. Altho, maybe I do and I just shut it off or keep pressing my most favorite and unfavorite button...Snooze! Anyway... he will be waking up to an alarm clock beginning tomorrow morning. Gotta check it out and see if it really works.
A new goal for me since I still have millions of thoughts racing through my mind at all times. I am going to attempt to blog in the mornings when I get back from school. Sometimes it may be the afternoons pending volunteering. But when I return I shall return to the blog. My only other options are continuing this flow of "I really need to call so-so (times that by 35) to tell them what I was just thinking". But when I get home life happens yet again and I pile 15 more thoughts on top of those I already had and wanted to take care of. Like for instance...I was driving home after dropping the kids off this morning and had to do a double-take at a light brown minivan that was obviously Patti's! Except for the fact that Patti lives in North Carolina and definitely was not perusing Chula Vista at 8am this morning. But I thought about her and never have the time to call her or email because right after I thought that I saw a stray puppy-dog walking down the street all alone. All I could think then was I hope he is walking home and doesn't have to cross E.Palomar. Maybe I should have stopped but that is impossible since he was really bookin it and you can't stop the Expedition on a dime! And then as I pulled in the driveway I realized Er didn't pull out the yard trash bin for garbage guy and I need to empty my workshop trash. Aye Aye Aye...Patti's call/email/facebook will have to wait!
Time to take advantage of my quiet house for 2 1/2 hours.