Im hesitant to even start this. It's 2:32am Monday morning after 2 weeks of break for kids and Erwin. We've had a great vacation to Vegas and a not so great bought of strep throat, mono and now a lung infection. I guess I can say I am glad we have lots of clothes since not much laundry has been done during these 2 weeks. Saying that doesn't make it feel or sound very good. I have managed to bake, cook fresh vegies and freeze them, work, work on my albums, attend EHS Vball games, take a few showers here and there and let's see what else. I don't know, maybe it will come to me before I end this.
I know this schedule is not working for me. It can't be good for my health. I know it's not good for my marriage. I slept last night at 330/4. As I was turning off lights to go upstairs, Abby met me half way and was wheezing. Breathing treatment for her which just meant I slept 20 minutes later, No biggie. I woke up at 1pm Sunday. Now I will probably sleep at 330 this morning and my alarm will go off at 630.hahaha...Pretty sure both kids will go back to school tomorrow. Abby is the one with the cough but nothing else says, besides the dr,that she is sick. Ill weigh it out in the morning. I have a dr's appt at 10am. Maybe he will have the answer for the sleepless nights. Fingers crossed but not holding my breath. 3rd Pyschiatrist in 12 months. Gotta love Kaiser Mental Health. Maybe this one will stick around for awhile. Hey I just thought, 3rd ones a charm?! I would love to go to bed like everyone else. Maybe before the next day.
Thinking about making tomorrow "schedule making day". I always try to avoid schedules since if I fall off the "schedule" then I get anxious and my tummy takes over. Is there also a saying about 16th times a charm?
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I have not typed anything for 4 minutes cuz I am trying to figure out what to type next. It's kind of like I am being graded. Would this be ok to type? Or should I post that one on FB? No one really cares about this... and on and on. hahahaha... I do know that I am going to try my best to sit outside tomorrow. Hoping for a nice breeze to clear my head. And blow the germs out of our house. Im opening all windows. Every single one. I would love to get through the Holidays (can't believe I just said that) with no sickies. We have stuff to do, places to go, people to see. Well really we just have school, Ballet, Hip-Hop, EHS sports and homework to do, but ya know.