Time for bed for sure but I think about this every time I think about typing in a note. "When did I do my last entry? Is it too soon to write another one. No, I need to just wait till tomorrow." What the??? Their are no rules and 'Single Dad Laughing' just reminded me of that as I read his daily entry. Just write.
Today Abby and I went and got our nails done. Well, I got my fill and she got her manicure that she has been begging for since her 6th birthday I think. No, she had to have gone their at least once last year. Anyway, she loves Ms. Kendra. My nail lady/therapist. This activity is a very special one for Abby and strictly reserved for only special occasions. Her and I are headed north on Friday to attend my nephew and Godson's Baptism. He is my first Godchild and I am so blessed to have been asked by Jared and Deana. What a great feeling...mostly. Kind of makes me a bit old. Even older than me saying that I only have 4 1/2 years till I am 40. Well, wait. that looks weird that I just typed it. Either way, I can't wait to hold mi amor and love him and hug him and kiss him and squeeze him and name him George! That is from Bugs Bunny cartoons of yesteryear. hahaha. With Marvin Martian I think too. I will also get to see my other nephews which I cannot get enough of. I digress, Abby and I sat next to each other while we got our nails done and for a moment, she was 15. And we were spending some quality time chatting and relaxing without the boys. (I dropped off Ethan at the gym with Dad.) I think the nail salon will be the one place where I can be her friend. She can talk to me like I am her best friend. Tell me about the cutest boy in her class and not feel like Dad or her brother will walk around the corner and hear her secrets. We can drool over the cutest guys on TV and not seem foolish or uncool. Then, she suddenly asks for 2 more quarters for more skillets. (I'm not going to erase that because I said it while we were at the salon too... SKITTLES...not skillets.LOL) Hi, she is 7 again. Just like that. "Can we go to Subway?" Me: No. "Can we go to McDonald's?" Me: No. Back to reality. 7 years later people still tell her everyday that she is bee-utiful. Two people in my presence today. I think the biggest part is not her hair color or her skin tone, it's her light inside her soul. She shines it so bright that everyone can see it radiate through her eyes. She is fearless and strong and confident in who she is. She dances like no one is watching. What a gift I have in her.
Now, let's pray for a great trip up north. Let's pray for a calm, joyful Baptismal celebration and 1st Birthday for Zack. Mostly for D & J. Pray for well behaving mothers and fathers and in-laws! I'm tired and the Excedrin took away my oncoming headache. Time for bed. Looking forward to a shower tomorrow. lol...yep, a shower. This week has been one thing after another so very little time to take a shower. A moment in the life of a Work At Home Mom! Fun times I tell you.
Good Night...