Sunday, July 29, 2012

8 weeks and counting

"It should be a short term placement since her bio parents want nothing to do with her." After hearing that we prepared for such a situation with a few unexpected twists of course. Then, in between the feedings and diaper changes and quiet moments of watching her sleep, we dreaded the phone ringing. Anyday we would be getting the call that County would be picking her up to take her to her Forever Family.

It's been 8 weeks and 2 days since we picked up "Baby Girl" from the hospital.  She has changed so much since we brought her home. She has chunky baby rolls where she used to have old person skin wrinkles. Just last week I got her to smile while she was awake. What a moment for me!! She has already proven to know my voice. She calms down when I pick her up and wakes up from tiny naps if I start talking loudly. But I had yet to get her to respond to my attempts at making her smile. Erwin has claimed many giggle fits and smiles while she has been in and out of dreamland. I was jealous. My turn -- after her 2 month old check-up I fed her a bottle in the waiting room. Ethan was with me watching a movie.  After a few minutes I put her in her carrier and she spit up immediately. I grabbed a rag and dabbed her mouth saying,"gross gross gross!" There it was! A little twinge of her lips. She was looking straight into my eyes. So, I did it again and BAM! Cheeks galore and her eyes lit up! I hurried Ethan over so he could be my witness -- She did it again and we both giggled!! It's so sweet. So sweet! Daddy has been trying to find his little way of making her laugh this week. Nothing yet, but we all know how determined he gets. I suspect this week he will prevail!

We all can't believe we have had the blessing of "Baby Girl" in our lives for 8 weeks. I think we were all ready for the here and gone part. We haven't heard from the County in 3+ weeks. No concerns on their part I presume. I just keep thanking God that she is in my home and not in a County Foster Home that has 4 other children vying for love and attention.  This little one has all the love and attention of the 4 Macalaguims in this home. And in addition to that abundance of love, every one she comes in contact with, her Volleyball big sisters, her neighbors, her grandparents, her big sister and brothers friends, etc. have showered her with love and hugs and kisses! This little village is going to have a hard time saying goodbye one day.

Nite Nite! - Amy

"Baby Girl" is 2 months old!!

 "Shots Suck!"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Time Flies

I wouldn't exactly say we've been having fun, but time sure does fly. It's been 10 days since my last post. Technically, as Ethan puts it, it's been 11 days. There have been busy days with errands and pool visits and sleepovers and movies. And there have been kick back days in our pajamas the entire day! Yep, I said it. ALL DAY!  Those days were usually prefaced by a long night with Baby Girl. I thank God every morning when Erwin gets back from workouts. He takes over and I get an uninterrupted nap. He is amazing!!

Nothing new in Foster Land. We are talking a lot more about our Good-Bye Day. Oh, I like that. I think that is what I am going to call it now. Anyway, we are talking a lot to the kids about having to say good-bye to Baby Girl.  The second we bring it up, their smiles fade and their heads drop. They are going to miss her terribly. We are going to miss her terribly. Erwin and I are trying to make a plan of what to do as a family after the day has come and gone. Nothing huge. Spend some solid one-on-one time, quality family time. No phones, computers, etc. This is one thing I hope to get some advice on from seasoned Foster parents. There is a family who has been doing the same thing Er and I are planning on doing for awhile with Angel's. I can't wait to sit down and chat with them. I think the only one who can tell me how it feels on the Good-Bye Day will be someone who has actually gone through it. We shall see.

Kids are more interested on how many vacation days they have left before school starts. From today it is just a week and a half. A 6th grader and a 3rd grader. Wow! Weird. And as every year approaches I make the same goal of walking the kids to school. This year the goal is set. Initially I will just be taking Baby Girl in the stroller. We'll add Ruby the following week maybe. This year is going to be a little different not only because of our sweetie but because it will be a must to save money by not driving. All the teachers in Erwin's district will be getting a HUGE pay cut. HUGE! So, we need to keep every penny we can to continue our life here. Wish me luck! The weather has been awesome in the mornings so as long as that holds steady, I've got this man! And as long as Baby Girl continues her morning feeding at 6ish, we are set. Oh Boy! That will be SO GOOD!!

Off to bed! Baby Girl is growing and holding her is no longer like holding a feather. ;) The arms are getting tired and the typing with one hand is done too.

Nite! - Amy

                         My absolutely Bee-utiful girls are in this pic. Just Bee-utiful!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Maybe a while longer...

Today was a busy day that ended with the most nerve-racking moment in our Fostering Journey! Holy Moly!! This afternoon Erwin, Abby, Baby Girl & I met Baby Girl's biological brother. I should say one of her many siblings. The county contacted the ones that had been adopted and Big Bro's family responded with interest in meeting her and possibly moving forward with adoption. We met at Angel's offices where I felt most comfortable even though we both live in Chula Vista.

I had spoken briefly with Big Bro's older sister to set up the meeting. Mama doesn't speak English, so this was easiest.  I did have Ethan leave a message in Spanish when playing phone tag. Pretty Cool huh? Anyway, older sister's name is Abigail. I couldn't believe it when she left the initial message. I looked at it as a good sign. Super sweet girl.

I didn't know what to expect. My biggest fear was they were going to want her right away and we would be left with a few days time for packing and saying goodbye. I was sweating like a pig and my heart was racing when they walked in. Big Bro is barely 2yrs old and he was escorted by Mama, Papa, Big Sister and Bigger Sister Abigail. He looked exactly like his little Baby Girl sister. It was crazy. And for a 2yr old who just walked into a room of strangers and toys, he was so focused on Baby Girl. He was gentle and loving and so sweet.

Big Bro's Mama and I compared little pieces of information, like sleeping habits and personalities, dimples and hair styles. We also figured out, and are 90% sure, the kiddos have the same Bio-Papa and Bio-Mama. Pretty excited for the kiddos if this is for real.

All ended sweetly. Big Bro's Mama shed a few tears when Big Bro caressed Baby Girl. He held her and hugged her ever so gently. I think he knew in his soul this was his sister, whether his mind understood it yet. For now, Mama relayed, they are not interested in adoption. They would just like to make sure that Big Bro and Baby Girl have a relationship. I think this will be a great thing for all and I will do my part happily.

We may have our sweet Baby Girl for a while longer. Feels good that this road is still filled with much more promise than bumpity bumps. ;)

Nite Nite!

p.s. Happy 4th of July! Be safe!!