Friday, October 11, 2013


I've just been in bed crying as quietly as I can as to not wake him up. Little Man is still the worst sleeper ever! Cutest curly hair but damn Gina! He can't sleep through the night but maybe once a week. And yes, he is 11 months old.

I'm typing now. Er thinks I'm getting a glass of water. It's 2am. Not sure why or how we are both awake. WARNING! MOM - DAD - CLOSE FRIENDS - LOOK AWAY - TMI -- We were kissing as quietly as we could -- OK - YOU CAN LOOK AGAIN -- and after, just lying there, I started crying. Not because I love this man so much and I can't believe he is with me 19 years later, but because I told him "I want to hold your hand more." It's hurts my heart because I am so tired from the daily grind of being a mom of 3 while my husband busts his butt supporting us. We barely have time to hold hands. My heart is breaking because the thoughts of resenting my bee-utiful Little Man have entered my tired mind. I ask myself pretty much on a daily basis, most definitely on Mondays and Thursdays, "When he is leaving?" "Why do I have to sit here and watch her (biomom) struggle with how to play with him or hold him?" "When is she (S.W.) going to make up her mind and either give him back or give him the life he deserves?" "Why are they all just sitting there while I take care of him and don't get to make any decisions about his future?!?"

-- Hubby just came down looking for me! -- I need to be brutally honest because I know that is what makes me feel better with no meds. Stories and lies from others to myself are what has kept me down for so long. I will be honest and not care who knows what! Well, you know, not about everything! I love this little boy so much! But It's just not fair! It's stopped being fair about 6 months ago! He turns 1 in less than a month. And he is being held in mid-air not knowing if anyone is there to catch him. You know who is holding him up there? Me! I'm dangling him with loving arms and a full heart! Somehow I don't feel like it counts. No matter how many people tell me that I am giving him so much that will help him later. I'm still dangling him and tonight I felt him slip a little. It hurts so much. I would never let anyone in my life slip. My friends and family know that. But I am not in control here. This sucks. God -- this sucks! The sick thing is I know that when he moves on I will do this all over again. lol... Sick or hilarious?! I know it will be better just for the fact I will know how it feels and that it could last awhile. I will be a bit more prepared right? The experience under my belt.

It's crazy late or crazy early. Erwin is wondering what the heck I'm doing down here.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

I could never do that...

I could have written this word for word.  Instead, I'll take the easy way out and let you read what she has to say!
