I found an outfit for Abby to wear right before bed and thank goodness, she approved. I didnt realize that I hadn't really bought her a "first day" outfit. Ethan, on the other hand, had gotten a "first day" outfit but didnt want anything to do with it.
Ethan: "Mom, I don't want to wear those shorts."
Me:"Come on Ethan, you can wear them to school, it's only a half day and you can change when you get home."
Ethan: "I don't like them."
Me: "They are cool! I bought them for you. The are hawaiian shorts."
Ethan: "I don't want to wear cool hawaiian shorts."
Me: "PLEEEASE for meee?"
Ethan: "Nope"
Me: "Why Not?"
Ethan: "They have flowers on them."
I lost that one cuz I knew I shouldn't make him wear flowers to school if he didn't want to.
I stayed up late as usual and made Abby's hairbow to match her outfit. I was pretty proud of how well it matched. Of course I checked the colors before I went to bed.
I woke up on time and Abby had been in our bed since Erwin left for work. Kids got up, Ethan gave himself a shower with only one reminder from me to wash his face and get going. I curled Abby's freshly cut short hair and added her new ribbon. She looked cute as could be. As I type this I realize that I may not have fed the kids breakfast. Really? Maybe Er fed Ethan, but I don't think so. Great! Point for greatest mom award 2010! Good thing I made them each take a snack even though they wanted to eat in the cafeteria today. Abby was pretty excited about that piece of first grade. She did not want to take a lunch.
Fast forward trough dropping off Ethan at his 4th grade classroom with his classmates he has had since Kinder, through walking Abby to her class while passing her favorite teacher Sra. Vasquez, through kisses and good mornings from mom friends and dad friends that I have gotten to know over the past 4 years at this school, through all the kids and parents saying "ABBY!" with big smiles on their faces, to standing outside Abby's class window. I couldn't leave, I couldn't cry, I couldn't take a deep breath and say "she is going to be great!" I just couldn't move. It has been the strangest feeling. Why am I worried about this little 6 yr old who is stronger and more confident that I was at 16?! I'm her Mom. I dropped my kids off for their 1st day of school. It's their 1st day of a year filled with lots of new things. New experiences. Ethan an upper grader and Abby gets to go to the BIG playground three times! Wow. It's crazy. It puts a pit in my stomach. Now I have the day to myself which I have been excited and anxiously waiting for all last year!
I told Ruby when I got home that I don't know what I would do if I didn't have her. She loves me and wants me to be with her and is going crazy, but at least she is not talking back and if I need to I can put her in her crate. That wouldn't have worked well with Abby.
So, this is a first for Abby, Ethan and Mommy and actually Ruby too. I thought I was going to be having a party. It may be awhile before I can party! Good thing it's a half day. I leave to pick them up in 3 hours. Just enough time for me to finish my first blog in a long time, enjoy a cherry turnover, a coke, some DVR'd shows and finish my white laundry!
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