Saturday, June 29, 2013


Can you imagine an entire "Sober-living" house being on restriction? I immediately say to myself, "Are you serious? Not one of those women spoke up to say "maybe this isn't a good idea...". I mean come on." What did they do? I have no idea. BioMom must be in the counseling session about not sharing much with the foster mom because she is not giving up much these days. Or she heard from the investigator that I didn't think she can handle "Little Man" by herself. Either way, she does let me know the whole house is on restriction because they can't wait to watch TV this weekend. I get that. A little while later, she then lets me know she can't leave the house because of her own personal restriction. Seriously?? I have this bad feeling I know who the ring leader of the house restriction was.

BioMom had left a voicemail for me one day. She was calling to check in on "Little Man".  Most likely because I told the investigator she hasn't ever called to check in. She can call me as much as she wants. Or more like, as much as she is allowed to use the phone. Back to the voicemail... I decided one afternoon to let "Little Man" listen to the voicemail to see if he would recognize his Mommy. Sure enough he looks away from the phone and at my face then back at the phone. He knew. Kind of cute. The next visit I had with BioMom I pulled out the phone while she was holding "Little Man". I played the voicemail on speaker and he immediately turned his head to his Mommy. I mean not even 4 seconds went by and he knew who he was listening to and who was holding him. BioMom looked at me with the happiest surprised eyes. It was a nice Mom-Moment. Those don't come very often for her.


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