Why is it we stay in touch with certain people, and let others go, even when there isn't a clear reason?
Why do we have to work so hard to let go of stuff that is bad for us?
Why do I constantly compare my life, including my joys and pains, to other people's?
Why don't we always see people the way they should be seen?
Why don't people always see us the way we really are?
Why is it so hard to let go of the past, even when we know it is only now that counts?
Why is it so hard to decide what to wear each day?
Why is being a parent so hard?
Why is it so hard to let go of the past, even when we know it is only now that counts?
Why is it so hard to decide what to wear each day?
Why is being a parent so hard?
Why can't we fix people?
Why is it so hard to accept our choices and let the "what if's" go to hell?
Why are some days so perfect, but still feel icky?
Why am I forever tired but can't seem to check anything off my To-Do List?
I have lots of waiting and thinking time being a Foster Momma. Especially with all the driving for visits I have had to do over the last 14 months. (technically 13 months) Trying to find the answers myself doesn't always work out. Sometimes it just adds more questions. I hate it when that happens. Now what do I do with this epiphany? See?? Another freakin' question!
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