Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas is done's done. My favorite holiday is already over and I swear we just bought our tree. My house just got straightened up since before Thanksgiving yesterday. My dad and david came over to celebrate xmas with us and the kids and we had to clean. I mean clean. Put things where they belonged and put as little stuff as possible into the "someone is coming over hurry and clean" box. I think every one has done this at one time or another. It's a must when you have a family. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

Kids were completely spoiled this year. Feeling a little overwhelmed by it. There really are so many more people without, it makes me take inventory a little. Er says not to worry that our kids are getting so much. That we have great kids and they deserve it. I know they are great but still. So, today through hopefully only one or two days later I am cleaning the kids rooms and having them get rid of some of the things they don't play with anymore. We usually do this around Thanksgiving but we weren't home this year.

So, Im signing off with the hopes of being on here tomorrow or tonight. I love it when I do this but it seems like such a chore after a long day. Ill figure it out someday right?
