Sunday, July 13, 2014

Help for me... What?

    One of the neat programs that is available for foster families and biological families to help with visitation are stand alone visitation centers.  They are located all over the county.  Most non-foster people don't even know they are there. These places are available for visits with the families so you can be in a neutral location that feels a bit safer and more open, than say the park that someone was just stabbed at last night. (not an exaggeration - just another day in the life of me) The foster parent can do the supervising or with permission from the CSW, you can schedule a worker there to supervise. Another great piece is they actually have transport workers who will come and pick up the foster child wherever you are.  They will then take the child to the visit and supervise if necessary and return the child afterwards.  I have been asking for this for a long time.  I have been NEEDING this for longer. I finally got it! Help with BioDad's visits. Now I am down to dropping off and picking up "Little Man" for BioMom's visits only.  Phew or so I thought.

    The car pulled up on time to pick up "Little Man" as she instructed me last week.  Good start. I had been trying to get him to be excited to see his BioDad but he didn't seem to catch on today.  The transport worker looked so familiar.  We figured out she had picked up another Angel's baby from a Momma's group that I attend weekly.  She recognized me too. Very comforting. I explained that I noted some things for BioDad and it was in "Little Man's" backpack. Yes, I went overboard and wrote some notes on a 3x5 card. Stuff like when he woke up and if he had eaten and new words he has been babbling. After that, I handed him to her and asked what I was supposed to do next.  She instructed me to stay in the house and she would be back after the visit. I closed the door almost all the way after blowing kisses to a very confused 20 month old face. I could hear the worker speaking to him. She had a toy in the car for him. She told him they are going to have a fun little drive, and they were going to visit his BioDad. (she used his nickname but I'm going to keep that private) Then they drove away.

    BLAH! My stomach started grumbling and I truly felt like I was going to puke. I just let a stranger (sort of) drive away with my son. Only once have I had someone else take "Little Man" to a visit for me. I think he was 3 months old and I was sick as a dog. I have always been the one supervising and driving.  It seems this "help" comes with new emotions I wasn't expecting.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I just don’t understand why people can’t take the minute to press the spell check button before they hit send or print.  Even important websites that are trying to get a poignant message
across like …



Sunday, July 6, 2014


    Found: One young drug-addict male, recovering on own, with baby picture that looks EXACTLY like “Little Man”, who is very interested in taking a DNA test to claim paternity of said child.

    Baby daddy option #4 was a winner. The winner of a county supplied atty and possibly services to help him through his recovery towards possible custody of his son who for 20 months has called another man Da-Da. Prior to him wanting visits, I wanted nothing to do with him. I never made eye contact with him at the two court hearings I attended. I knew he was there. He knew who I was since BioMom would acknowledge my presence. Why didn’t I want to meet him? Easy -- I didn’t want or need to care about another human being till I knew I had to care about another human being. Cold? Maybe. Boundaries? For sure!

    He’s a kid.  That for me makes it worse cuz I’m a Mom and a teacher’s wife.  Kids are part of our life every single day.  (the obvious ones aside) I just wonder if he is going to stick it out through this chaotic life BioMom has created for "Little Man”.  My feelings are on the plus side. I hope I’m right. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Catchin' up on the 4th

True compassion is not just an emotional response, but a firm commitment founded on reason. Therefore, a truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change, even if they behave negatively. Through universal altruism, you develop a feeling of responsibility for others: the wish to help them actively overcome their problems. --- His Holiness the Dalai Lama
    Last week was the first unsupervised visit since BioMom screwed up in January.  I have had the pleasure, uh-hem, of supervising since March. Two 2hr visits each and every week. I’m not even sure when the last time I blogged.  (typing while waiting for an appt in my car with no wifi) I can’t see “Little Man” till noon today and he started off with clinging to my leg when we walked in the door to an attachment therapy appt for BioMom. 3rd visit in a row he cried as I left. Only saving grace is he was with the awesome therapist who sees all that I see with BioMom and ”Little Man”. 
    What should you know to catch you up? Umm… “Little Man” turned 20months this week. Yep, we still have him.  Nope we are not adopting him. Yes, it’s going to be ridiculously hard on us when he leaves but more so for him.  That is when the prayers are going to have to come double time. So rest up my friends! No, I’m not stronger than you. Maybe I’m less strong without the ability to say NO! lol… Naaaa… just love being a Mom. 
    Ok, next… “Little Man” has a Daddy.  Well, a Baby-Daddy-Uncle. I can’t explain. It is so crazy that the county and my agency have had a hard time wrapping the details around their heads.  If anyone involved typed in a few specifics for a Google search, they would be able to find my blog immediately. No bueno! This would be one reason for no blogging for several weeks.  I can say I didn’t need front row seats for Maury Povich to experience the show. I’m livin’ it!! A great thing or two has come from the drama as of late.  BioDad is a great guy (age <20) who is really excited (kid in a candy store) that he has a son.  In my opinion who wouldn’t be excited that they could claim “Little Man” as their own?! He has started services voluntarily (clean for 3 months.)  Has a supportive family who seems to be alright in the grand scheme of things. My biggest hang up with BioDad is when he came forward he became the reason for 2 delays of terminating BioMom’s services. And now she has unsupervised visits. But more on that later.
   I hope I still have my readers.  Thank you for patiently waiting. I am just as surprised as you how this case keeps progressing. I never thought I would gain all this experience in one case. Lucky me??